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import { object } from '../../../../../utils/ast.js'; import * as b from '../../../../../utils/builders.js'; import { sanitize_template_string } from '../../../../../utils/sanitize_template_string.js'; import { regex_is_valid_identifier } from '../../../../patterns.js'; import { create_derived } from '../../utils.js'; import is_reference from 'is-reference'; import { locator } from '../../../../../state.js'; /** * @param {Array<AST.Text | AST.ExpressionTag>} values */ export function get_states_and_calls(values) { let states = 0; let calls = 0; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const node = values[i]; if (node.type === 'ExpressionTag') { if (node.metadata.expression.has_call) { calls++; } if (node.metadata.expression.has_state) { states++; } } } return { states, calls }; } /** * @param {Array<AST.Text | AST.ExpressionTag>} values * @param {(node: SvelteNode, state: any) => any} visit * @param {ComponentClientTransformState} state * @returns {{ value: Expression, has_state: boolean, has_call: boolean }} */ export function build_template_literal(values, visit, state) { /** @type {Expression[]} */ const expressions = []; let quasi = b.quasi(''); const quasis = [quasi]; const { states, calls } = get_states_and_calls(values); let has_call = calls > 0; let has_state = states > 0; let contains_multiple_call_expression = calls > 1; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const node = values[i]; if (node.type === 'Text') { quasi.value.cooked +=; } else if (node.type === 'ExpressionTag' && node.expression.type === 'Literal') { if (node.expression.value != null) { quasi.value.cooked += node.expression.value + ''; } } else { if (contains_multiple_call_expression) { const id ='stringified_text')); state.init.push( b.const( id, create_derived( state, b.thunk( b.logical( '??', /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.expression, state)), b.literal('') ) ) ) ) ); expressions.push('$.get', id)); } else if (values.length === 1) { // If we have a single expression, then pass that in directly to possibly avoid doing // extra work in the template_effect (instead we do the work in set_text). return { value: visit(node.expression, state), has_state, has_call }; } else { expressions.push(b.logical('??', visit(node.expression, state), b.literal(''))); } quasi = b.quasi('', i + 1 === values.length); quasis.push(quasi); } } for (const quasi of quasis) { quasi.value.raw = sanitize_template_string(/** @type {string} */ (quasi.value.cooked)); } const value = b.template(quasis, expressions); return { value, has_state, has_call }; } /** * @param {Statement} statement */ export function build_update(statement) { const body = statement.type === 'ExpressionStatement' ? statement.expression : b.block([statement]); return b.stmt('$.template_effect', b.thunk(body))); } /** * @param {Statement[]} update */ export function build_render_statement(update) { return update.length === 1 ? build_update(update[0]) : b.stmt('$.template_effect', b.thunk(b.block(update)))); } /** * For unfortunate legacy reasons, directive names can look like this `use:a.b-c` * This turns that string into a member expression * @param {string} name */ export function parse_directive_name(name) { // this allow for accessing members of an object const parts = name.split('.'); let part = /** @type {string} */ (parts.shift()); /** @type {Identifier | MemberExpression} */ let expression =; while ((part = /** @type {string} */ (parts.shift()))) { const computed = !regex_is_valid_identifier.test(part); expression = b.member(expression, computed ? b.literal(part) :, computed); } return expression; } /** * @param {ComponentClientTransformState} state * @param {string} id * @param {Expression | undefined} init * @param {Expression} value * @param {ExpressionStatement} update */ export function build_update_assignment(state, id, init, value, update) { state.init.push(b.var(id, init)); state.update.push( b.if(b.binary('!==',, b.assignment('=',, value)), b.block([update])) ); } /** * Serializes `bind:this` for components and elements. * @param {Identifier | MemberExpression} expression * @param {Expression} value * @param {import('zimmerframe').Context<SvelteNode, ComponentClientTransformState>} context */ export function build_bind_this(expression, value, { state, visit }) { /** @type {Identifier[]} */ const ids = []; /** @type {Expression[]} */ const values = []; /** @type {string[]} */ const seen = []; const transform = { ...state.transform }; // Pass in each context variables to the get/set functions, so that we can null out old values on teardown. // Note that we only do this for each context variables, the consequence is that the value might be stale in // some scenarios where the value is a member expression with changing computed parts or using a combination of multiple // variables, but that was the same case in Svelte 4, too. Once legacy mode is gone completely, we can revisit this. walk(expression, null, { Identifier(node, { path }) { if (seen.includes( return; seen.push(; const parent = /** @type {Expression} */ (; if (!is_reference(node, parent)) return; const binding = state.scope.get(; if (!binding) return; for (const [owner, scope] of state.scopes) { if (owner.type === 'EachBlock' && scope === binding.scope) { ids.push(node); values.push(/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node))); if (transform[]) { transform[] = { ...transform[], read: (node) => node }; } break; } } } }); const child_state = { ...state, transform }; const get = /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(expression, child_state)); const set = /** @type {Expression} */ ( visit(b.assignment('=', expression,'$$value')), child_state) ); // If we're mutating a property, then it might already be non-existent. // If we make all the object nodes optional, then it avoids any runtime exceptions. /** @type {Expression | Super} */ let node = get; while (node.type === 'MemberExpression') { node.optional = true; node = node.object; } return '$.bind_this', value, b.arrow(['$$value'), ...ids], set), b.arrow([...ids], get), values.length > 0 && b.thunk(b.array(values)) ); } /** * @param {ComponentClientTransformState} state * @param {AST.BindDirective} binding * @param {MemberExpression} expression */ export function validate_binding(state, binding, expression) { // If we are referencing a $ then we don't need to add validation const left = object(binding.expression); const left_binding = left && state.scope.get(; if (left_binding?.kind === 'store_sub') return; const loc = locator(binding.start); state.init.push( b.stmt( '$.validate_binding', b.literal(state.analysis.source.slice(binding.start, binding.end)), b.thunk(/** @type {Expression} */ (expression.object)), b.thunk( /** @type {Expression} */ ( expression.computed ? : b.literal(/** @type {Identifier} */ ( ) ), loc && b.literal(loc.line), loc && b.literal(loc.column) ) ) ); } |